Tooth Extractions

Kind and Compassionate Tooth Removal in Canoga Park

If you’re searching for a dentist for a tooth extraction, chances are you’re feeling worried and a bit stressed. The dental procedure for tooth removal is complex, but when you work with a kind and welcoming dental practice, the process can be much easier. If you live or work in the Canoga Park area, The Dental Health Group can help. Our lead dentist,  Dr. Erwin Abad, works with patients to explain the steps of tooth extraction.

When is Tooth Removal Necessary?

Some teeth need to be pulled because they are severely decayed, have advanced periodontal disease, or have broken in a way that cannot be repaired. Sometimes, dentists need to perform a tooth extraction because teeth are impacted (such as removing wisdom teeth) or for orthodontic treatment.

Keep in mind that modern dentistry has many ways to replace an extracted tooth. After a tooth is removed, our dentists will discuss the replacement options to ensure that the empty space does not cause problems related to chewing ability, jaw joint, or shifting teeth. In addition to your health, it’s important to us that you feel confident about your smile.

What is the Tooth Extraction Process?

An extraction has several steps. First, the dentist will need to numb your tooth, jawbone, and gums with a local anesthetic. Throughout the procedure, you will likely feel some pressure, but the numbing around your nerves will prevent sharp pain. If you do experience pain, please let us know.

Next, depending on the size and condition of the tooth, the dentist may need to section the tooth before removal. This is a common procedure where the dentist cuts the tooth into sections and removes each section one at a time. We typically need to do this if the root is curved and the socket can’t expand enough to remove the whole tooth at once.

After tooth extraction, the dentist will have you bite on a gauze pad for 30-45 minutes. We recommend that you do something relaxing like watch TV or listen to music during this time. After about 45 minutes—or a bit longer for some patients—a clot will form. For the 72 hours following tooth removal, avoid vigorously rinsing the mouth, sucking on straws, smoking, or drinking alcohol. In addition, avoid vigorous exercise for a few days. If your heart’s pumping too fast right after the procedure, it may cause fresh bleeding from the extraction site.

How Will I Feel After the Tooth Removal Process?

Our dentists will always be upfront with you about what to expect. After a tooth is extracted, it’s normal to experience some pain and swelling. Applying an ice pack or unopened bag of frozen peas or corn to the area will keep swelling to a minimum. Take pain medications as prescribed. The swelling usually subsides after 48 hours.

Drink lots of fluids and eat nutritious, soft food on the day of the extraction. You can eat normally as soon as you are comfortable.

It is important to resume your regular dental routine after 24 hours. This routine should include brushing and flossing your teeth at least once daily. Good oral hygiene will speed healing and help keep your mouth fresh and clean. After a few days, you should feel fine and can resume your normal activities. Patients are always encouraged to contact the office with any questions or concerns in the days following their tooth extraction. Our dentists are here to help you every step of the way!

Contact The Dental Health Group in Canoga Park Today

While it may seem scary, remember that a tooth extraction is a common dental procedure and that our experienced doctors and staff will have you in good hands. Don’t let the tooth removal process cause you to worry. Schedule an appointment with The Dental Health Group in Canoga Park today. We are happy to hear your concerns and make a personalized treatment plan.

Removable Partial Dentures

A healthy smile is one that feels comfortable and confident. If you’re bothered by missing teeth and are thinking about implants or dental bridges, partial dentures may be an option for you. Express yourself with a custom solution from the Dental Health Group in Canoga Park.

What are Removable Partial Dentures?

Partial dentures are an easy-to-fit solution for missing teeth. They’re made from materials that look, feel, and function like your natural teeth—so comfortable you’ll forget you have them. They can replace most of your teeth and restore the appearance of your smile, allowing you to eat, speak and smile confidently again.

Which Type of Denture Should You Get?

If you’ve lost a tooth or two, a removable partial denture may be the solution for you. Designed as an artificial replacement for one or more missing teeth, they can be made of different materials such as metal or acrylic.

Metal partial dentures have been around much longer than their acrylic counterparts and are often more durable. They are actually made of a metal and acrylic composition—metal refers to the base material, but they still look like natural teeth once they are placed in your mouth.

Purely acrylic partials are usually best as a temporary or transitional solution. Dr. Abad will discuss the options with you and make a recommendation based on your situation.

No matter which type you choose, we work closely with you to design your personal removable partial denture. For improved comfort, stability, and fit, Dr. Abad will take impressions of your gum tissue and mouth to create a cast that will fit into the gap left by the missing teeth. We make every effort to preserve what is already there and give you the most natural look possible.

What Are the Benefits of Partial Dentures in Canoga Park?

  • They can improve appearance by replacing missing teeth and giving your smile more definition.
  • They may help prevent bone loss around the gums. This is especially helpful if you have had gum disease in the past, as partial dentures can help prevent future problems with your gums and oral health.
  • They can improve chewing ability and speech quality by filling in the gaps of missing teeth.

Regain Your Confidence

Removable partial dentures are one of the most popular bridges to facilitate your smile. We pride ourselves on providing comfortable, functional dentures that fit so well most people will not even know that you have them.

We’re glad to answer questions and speak with you about this procedure. Schedule a consultation by calling us at 818-718-2000 or dropping us a message through our contact form. Speak with us today about partial dentures, and see why patients come to our Canoga Park office from all over Los Angeles.


The Dental Health Group Offers Restorative Dentistry and Denture Care

While dental dentures are one of the oldest forms of restorative dentistry, new advancements in dental care and improved technology have made denture care easier than ever. The Dental Health Group in Canoga Park can enhance your smile, eating ability, and oral health.

Our goal is to offer dental dentures that are natural looking and undetectable. In addition, our experienced dentists can help you transition to dentures for the first time or replace an existing set that has become worn or discolored.

How Can Dental Dentures Help Me?

Dentures are used when a person’s original teeth have experienced significant decay or are badly damaged. Whether you need a full or a partial denture, this carefully fabricated appliance is custom-designed for each patient. It replaces the preexisting teeth while providing support for the lips, cheeks, and lower face.

  • Modern dental dentures are fabricated to look similar to your original teeth in color and size.
  • Dentures completely restore your smile and solve many chewing problems.
  • Additionally, dentures can help reduce the risk of developing gum disease.

If you’re searching for a reputable and experienced dentist knowledgeable in restorative and cosmetic dentistry, The Dental Health Group in Canoga Park is ready to meet you. We are currently accepting new patients, and we invite you to schedule a consultation to meet our caring staff.

What Do I Need to Know About Denture Care?

Modern-day dental dentures are durable, comfortable, and long-lasting. If you’re new to needing dentures and understanding how to care for them, here’s some helpful information to get you started.

  1. The first step will be creating the immediate denture. This is a short-term protective appliance that is inserted into your mouth after the extraction of the teeth. This denture allows your gums and tissues to heal and prepares you for the second step.
  2. The conventional denture is custom-made for your mouth and is fitted after complete healing. Depending on your individual needs, you may be equipped with an upper denture that covers the upper row of teeth and the roof of the mouth or a lower denture that is horseshoe-shaped to accommodate the lower row of teeth and the tongue. In some cases, patients may need both upper and lower dentures.

We have two primary materials for making dentures and will choose the best option based on what you need and your preferences.

  • Porcelain: Porcelain is the material that’s been used for decades to craft dentures. It provides a natural look, although it can be more expensive than acrylic.
  • Acrylic: Many of today’s dentures are made in a dental lab from durable acrylic that sits lighter in your mouth and fits better than traditional porcelain. Hardly anyone will realize you’re wearing dentures!

Depending on the age you receive dentures, there is a possibility that over time, the appliance may need to be replaced or refitted to keep the jaw alignment normal and comfortable. While dentures are of course different from natural teeth, regular dental examinations are still necessary to check gums and tissues for disease or change.

Contact The Dental Health Group Today

If you’re searching for a knowledgeable, welcoming dentist in the Canoga Park region that has experience with denture care, contact The Dental Health Group today. Our doctors specialize in cosmetic procedures. We go the extra mile to make sure your dentures feel great, look natural, and improve the shape of your jaw. Call 818-718-2000 with questions or to schedule your appointment. We look forward to seeing you!

Non-Surgical Root Canal

Our Non-Surgical Root Canal Is Worry-Free!

If you’ve been told you need a root canal, you might feel anxious about the process. After all, it’s often portrayed as a frightening procedure in pop culture!

But the reality is that a root canal is one of the most common dental procedures in the nation. At The Dental Health Group, our highly trained dentists work with patients to explain the steps of the non-surgical root canal and how it helps to improve overall oral health. It’s normal to feel nervous, but the root canal process is much easier when you make an appointment with our kind and experienced dental practice.


Dentists perform nearly 14 million root canals in the United States every year. This relatively simple procedure is one of the most common treatments in modern dentistry. The non-surgical root canal can save your natural teeth and prevent the need for dental implants or bridges.

Dentists determine if the root canal process is needed by examining the pulp in each tooth’s center. Infection of the pulp is often caused by trauma to the tooth, such as cracks or decay. The infection is usually identified during routine teeth cleaning appointments. If you notice frequent swelling and sensitivity to temperature or touch around one of your teeth, that may be a sign of infected pulp.


If you or your dentist identify these symptoms, non-surgical treatments can eliminate the infected pulp. This treatment involves local anesthesia to numb your mouth and gums and is often completed in one visit. This injured pulp is removed, and the root canal system is thoroughly cleaned and sealed. Ninety percent of cases are successful and do not require any additional work. Patients can drive home after the procedure and quickly return to their regular routine. In addition, nitrous oxide gas is available upon request for patients with dental anxiety.


We understand that cost is a frequent concern. The final cost depends on the severity of damage in the tooth affected, but generally, a root canal is a much less expensive procedure than tooth removal and replacement with an artificial tooth. Our office staff can talk with you about insurance and payment options. We’ll provide a full cost estimate before we begin.

Contact The Dental Health Group in Canoga Park Today

Don’t let needing a root canal cause you worry and fear! Instead, schedule an appointment with The Dental Health Group today. We look forward to seeing you!

Dental Crowns

Located in Canoga Park, The Dental Health Group Provides Restorative Dentistry and Dental Crowns

While the dental crown procedure has been around for decades, modern technological advances have made it an easier and longer-lasting treatment for dental problems than ever before. So if you’ve been told you need a dental crown, don’t worry! The Dental Health Group in Canoga Park can help restore your smile and oral health. 

Our goal is to provide restorative dentistry that is undetectable. Our highly-qualified and experienced dentists can provide new dental crowns or replace existing crowns and fillings with restorations that feel natural and blend perfectly with your other teeth.


If you live or work in the Canoga Park area and are searching for a reputable dentist skilled in restorative and cosmetic dentistry, The Dental Health Group is accepting new patients.

  • Crowns offer support to teeth that have significant decay or are badly damaged.
  • Modern crowns look completely natural and blend with your other teeth.
  • A crown can improve your smile and solve chewing problems.
  • Additionally, a crown can help reduce your risk of gum disease.


If you have recently moved to the Canoga Park, CA region or are a new patient at The Dental Health Group, we will start with a dental/radiographic examination to fully understand the condition of your teeth. For most patients, the dental crown procedure requires two appointments.

Appointment #1: During the first appointment, the dentist will remove decay, shape the tooth, and fit it with a temporary crown of either plastic or metal.

Appointment #2: During the second appointment, the dentist will remove the temporary crown and then fit and adjust the final crown. The new crown will be cemented into place, and you’ll leave the office with a beautiful new tooth. In addition, you will be shown the correct method for brushing and flossing to keep the crown and surrounding area clean.

Regardless of age, many people experience unexplained pain in their back teeth. This pain may be caused by hairline cracks developing in the part of the tooth that comes into contact with food. When a dentist places crowns on these teeth, it can relieve pain and discomfort and allow the person to regain full dental function and eat all kinds of foods again. In addition, for teeth near the front of the mouth, older fillings or crowns can cause appearance problems due to staining or chipping. For both of these issues, dental crowns or dental bridges can provide a pain-reducing, appearance-boosting, long-term solution.


If you’re searching for a friendly, knowledgeable dentist in the Canoga Park region that has experience with dental crown procedures, make an appointment with The Dental Health Group today. We look forward to seeing you!

Dental Bridges

Your teeth play a vital role in communicating, chewing food, and maintaining good health for the entire oral cavity. Tooth loss can happen at any age, either through an accident, poor oral hygiene practices, or naturally due to age.

Regardless of how tooth loss occurs, the missing tooth or teeth must be replaced to ensure the health and proper functioning of your mouth and jaw. If you need to replace missing teeth, a bridge or partial denture can be a solution that puts you on the road to good health and a smile you’ll be proud to share.


If you live or work in the LA Valley and are searching for a reputable dentist skilled in restorative and cosmetic dentistry, The Dental Health Group can help! A dental bridge is a custom-crafted device inserted into your mouth to replace the missing teeth. Because each bridge is made specifically for your mouth, the artificial teeth will blend in naturally with the teeth nearby. Bridges can be permanently attached to your gums and jawbone (also called fixed bridges), or they can be removable (known as a partial denture).

What’s the difference between a fixed dental bridge and a removable bridge?

While both options for bridges fill the gap between your teeth, a fixed bridge can only be removed by a professional dentist. Removable bridges, or partial dentures, can be taken out of your mouth and cleaned. While a removable bridge may be more convenient, a fixed bridge provides more stability to the rest of your teeth and mouth. As a result of the bridge, your lips and cheeks will maintain their natural shape and appearance. Additionally, a bridge can reduce the risk of gum disease and prevent speech disorders that develop due to missing teeth.


If you have recently moved to the LA Valley or are a new patient at The Dental Health Group, we will start with a dental/radiographic examination to fully understand your restorative dentistry needs and the condition of your teeth.

For most patients, a bridge will involve two appointments to complete.

Appointment #1: The dentist will remove a portion of the enamel and dentin from the teeth on either side of the gap. Because the bridge must be fabricated to the measurements of your bite and mouth, we’ll take molded impressions and send them to the dental lab where the bridge will be constructed.

Appointment #2: The bridge will be fitted into your mouth for this appointment. The procedure will vary depending on whether you have a fixed or removable bridge. Dental crowns are placed on the adjacent natural teeth to support the bridge. We’ll show you the correct method to brush and floss around this area so you can keep it clean.


If you’re searching for a friendly, knowledgeable dentist in the LA Valley who has experience with dental bridge procedures, make an appointment with The Dental Health Group today. When you come into our office, we will give you a full consultation and answer your questions before beginning any work. Bring your questions or give us a call at 818-718-2000. We look forward to meeting you.

Dental Implants

Restorative Dentistry in Canoga Park

If you’ve experienced significant damage or tooth decay, you may require a dental implant or dentures. Both dentures and implants are lab-designed replacement teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth. At the Dental Health Group in Canoga Park, dentures are one of our restorative dentistry specialties. We’ve helped patients from all over Los Angeles return to eating anything and smiling confidently.


Dental implants are inserted into a person’s jawbone where an individual tooth or teeth are missing. The titanium post bonds with the bone and creates a strong foundation that mimics what we have with our natural teeth. While dental implants are often desired because having a complete set of teeth is essential for eating a healthy, well-rounded diet, having implants also preserves a person’s facial structure and prevents further deterioration in the mouth and oral cavity.

If you have several missing teeth, dentures may be the better option for restoring health and functionality to your mouth. Unlike dental implants permanently inserted into a patient’s jawbone, dentures are a removable, lab-fabricated appliance inserted into the mouth. Dentures are designed to replace several natural teeth and support the facial structure around the cheeks and lips.

If you live or work in the Canoga Park area, having a qualified dentist work with you for dental implants or dentures can change your life! When properly done, dentures and implants can help you rediscover the comfort and joy of eating, speaking, and laughing.


If you have recently relocated to Canoga Park or are a new patient at The Dental Health Group, we will start with a dental/radiographic examination to fully understand your oral health and restorative dentistry needs. Once we have information about your health history, we can proceed with the dental implant procedure or begin discussing which type of dentures would suit your lifestyle.

For most patients, dental implants will involve two surgical appointments several months apart. 

Appointment #1: For this appointment, the titanium posts are placed in the jawbone. For the next several months, the posts gradually bond with the bone. During this time, you will wear a temporary denture and eat a soft diet while your customized implant or bridgework is manufactured.

Appointment #2: After the post has bonded to the jawbone, the dental surgeon will connect the dental implants to each post. From start to finish, the entire procedure of both appointments usually takes between six to eight months, and most patients experience little or no disruption in their daily lives.


If you’re searching for a friendly, knowledgeable dentist in Canoga Park, CA who has experience with dental implants and dentures, make an appointment with The Dental Health Group today. Restoring smiles is truly our passion. Whether you have worn dentures before or you are considering this for the first time, our goal is to keep you comfortable and informed at every step of the process. Send us your questions! We look forward to seeing you here soon.

Tooth Fillings

Our Dentists Provide Fillings and Restorative Dentistry Procedures

Having a cavity not only causes physical pain but can also impact your entire body’s health. If you’ve been told that a cavity requires a filling procedure, a dentist can help! Healthy teeth and gums lead to good oral health, so having a dentist experienced in fillings is essential. At The Dental Health Group in Canoga Park, we pride ourselves on being the best restorative dentistry office in the area. We take your oral health seriously, and with that comes ensuring dental cavities, tooth decay, and infections in your gums are promptly and correctly addressed.

Understanding the Cavity-Filling Procedure

At The Dental Health Group in Canoga Park, our dentists believe that a mercury-free practice is the safest for our patients, staff, and the environment. While mercury fillings were common-practice in the past, thanks to new technology and scientific research, we now offer fillings that are not only exceptionally strong and protective for your teeth but are also available in various shades so they perfectly match the color of your tooth.

Remember Silver Fillings? Our Dentists Say No Thanks!

In the past, silver fillings were common and the only option available to people needing to have a cavity filled. But using silver for a filling procedure has many drawbacks. The main one is that over time, the edges of the filling become weak, and the patient must return to the dentist to have the filling repaired or replaced. Fortunately, old silver fillings can quickly and safely be replaced with modern, tooth-colored ones.

Why Use Tooth-Colored Restorations for Your Filling Procedure?

With tooth-colored restorations, the resin looks just like your natural teeth and is placed only where needed, so it’s healthier for your other teeth and gums. In addition, the resin used in tooth-colored fillings contains fluoride that helps keep your tooth healthy and prevent decay.

The result is a beautiful smile!

How Can I Replace Silver Fillings with Tooth-Colored Ones?

The filling procedure for exchanging silver fillings for tooth-colored ones is straightforward and requires only two appointments at our Canoga Park office.

Appointment #1:

  1. The silver filling and any accumulated decay are removed.
  2. A model is made of the tooth and sent to the lab along with the resin color choice.
  3. A temporary onlay (filling) is placed on the tooth.

Appointment #2:

  1. The temporary onlay (filling) is removed.
  2. A conditioning gel is used to prepare your tooth for the new resin onlay.
  3. A special dental-grade bonding cement and a high-intensity light bond the resin to the tooth.
  4. The dentist polishes the filling, giving your teeth a natural look and feel!

Contact The Dental Health Group Today

If you’re looking for a friendly, knowledgeable restorative dentistry practice in Canoga Park, CA, make an appointment with The Dental Health Group today. Please explore our website to learn more about our full menu of services and our new patient welcome message. We look forward to seeing you!

Deep Teeth Cleaning

When it comes to your smile, you want to be proactive. Dental checkups and cleanings are an important part of your oral hygiene. They can help to detect and prevent dental problems before they become major issues. But what happens if a regular cleaning is not enough?

While preventative cleanings should happen every six months, they unfortunately cannot prevent every dental issue. If you have difficulty keeping up with flossing and brushing at home, your dentist may recommend scaling and root planing, which is a more effective cleaning procedure to prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria.

What is a Dental Deep Cleaning?

If you have not been to the dentist in a while, you may wonder if it’s time for a deep clean. A dental deep clean is simply a more intense form of periodontal therapy than routine cleanings.  It involves removing tartar, which is a hard substance that forms above and below the gum line when plaque bacteria adhere to your teeth. If you have deep pockets between your teeth and gums, they’ll be treated during this procedure as well.

If you’re not sure whether you need a deep cleaning, reach out to our Canoga Park team to schedule a consultation. At your appointment, Dr. Abad will review your individual situation and answer your questions about whether this treatment is right for you.

What Happens During a Dental Deep Cleaning?

Before starting the procedure, Dr. Abad will evaluate your teeth and gums to see if they are healthy enough for deep cleaning or if they need to be treated before the procedure.

Deep cleanings involve two main processes: scaling and root planing (SRP). One is to remove tartar from the teeth (scaling) and the other is to smooth down any rough spots on the tooth root (planing). The goal is to remove all traces of plaque and tartar from under the gum line, where they can be difficult to reach with regular brushing and flossing.

Here are some of the benefits of a dental deep cleaning:

  • Removes bacteria and debris that cause gum disease and tooth decay
  • Removes tartar (calculus) from teeth
  • Removes stains from teeth that are difficult to remove with daily brushing or flossing
  • Improves overall dental health

Get your Smile Back!

At the Dental Health Group, we are passionate about providing you with the best dental care possible to help you maintain good oral health and keep your teeth looking their best. We also take pride in our individualized approach to patient care. Beyond regular cleanings, our dental services include orthodontics as well as both restorative and cosmetic dentistry.

We’re ready when you are, so call our Canoga Park office at 818-718-2000 or fill out our contact form to schedule your appointment with us.

Periodontal Maintenance

The Dental Health Group Offers Expert Periodontal Maintenance Services

If you’ve been told you need gum disease treatment, it’s normal to have questions. Is this a serious condition? Does it really need treatment? The short answer is yes—even if you don’t feel pain now, gum disease leads to serious consequences if left untreated.

If you live or work in the Valley, The Dental Health Group can provide the treatment you need. Our experienced and well-trained dentists offer periodontal maintenance services to help you stay healthy and maintain a beautiful smile. Learn more about how our dental office can help you and your family.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is when the gums within the mouth become infected and destroy your teeth. Several different kinds of bacteria can result in gum disease, but the most common is dental plaque. Plaque is the #1 cause of gum disease, but it is also very treatable. Daily brushing, flossing, routine teeth cleaning, and preventative care with a dentist will prevent most periodontal conditions and reduce the need for specialized gum disease treatments.

However, when routine dental care and periodontal maintenance do not occur, gum disease can result in tooth loss. Having a tooth removed due to gum disease is a serious procedure, but if you’re in The Valley, The Dental Health Group can help with treatment. Please schedule an appointment, and our dentists will review your records and help you determine the best course of action.

Good Oral Hygiene is Good Periodontal Maintenance

Did you know that in the United States, adults lose more teeth to periodontal disease than to cavities? Nearly seventy-five percent of all adults will be diagnosed with gum disease requiring treatment! The best way to prevent this is by good periodontal maintenance, which includes tooth brushing and flossing and routine visits with your dentist.

Lifestyle Habits that Threaten the Health of Your Gums:

Just as good oral hygiene habits help protect your teeth and prevent gum disease, some bad lifestyle habits can threaten the health of your gums and oral cavity. Here are the leading causes:

  • Smoking/vaping
  • Diabetes
  • Stress that results in grinding teeth
  • Certain medications
  • Eating a diet high in sugar and carbohydrates

The Signs of Gum Disease and Treatment Options

As the bacteria found in plaque increases in the mouth, the gums become increasingly red, swollen, and bleed easily when brushed. As time goes on, the gums will begin to separate from the teeth, and spaces will form underneath the gum line. As the disease progresses, the gum tissue and bone that keep your teeth in place will weaken and deteriorate. Without dental intervention, the teeth will weaken so much that they must be removed. Once gum disease starts, treatment and ongoing periodontal maintenance are required to prevent its progress.

Contact The Dental Health Group in the San Fernando Valley Today

Don’t let gum disease impact your health and wellbeing! Contact The Dental Health Group in The Valley today. We are accepting new patients and are happy to discuss your concerns and health history before making a personalized treatment plan. Give us a call at 818-718-2000. We’ll see you here soon!